Weak Horizon  

Plywood, glass, oracal. 300×1000 cm

The work “Weak Horizon” is a model of a modernist façade based on the destroyed VDHKh expo center (1968–2017) in Minsk, inside of which is a frieze or “horizon” of narratives about the 30th anniversary of Belarusian independence (1991–2021). The “horizon” of images refers to different ideological counterpoints of the modern Belarusian state and its architectural embodiment (National Library (2006), new building of the Belarusian Great Patriotic War Museum (2014), etc.), as well as the history of destruction and construction sandwiched between nostalgia for the Soviet past and the capitalist present. The work was created in collaboration with Genadziy Grak, a Belarusian graphic artist of the older generation. The artists present a kind of monument to the weak horizon of history. 

The work from group exhibition "Every Day. Art. Solidarity. Resistance” Mysteckiy Arsenal. Kyiv, Ukraine

Curators: Aleksei Borisionok, Andrei Dureika, Marina Naprushkina, Sergey Shabohin, Antonina Stebur and Maxim Tyminko 

Photos by Lesia Pcholka and Mysteckiy Arsenal