Confused Conversation
Helmets, salt, plastic bags, lanterns, dimensions variable
The helmet is an image from the past, found in illustrations and mosaics from the 20th century depicting strikes and labor. However, today it symbolizes the protection of not just your head, but your thoughts as well. It serves as guiding light, helping us navigate the darkness of history and find others along the way.
In Belarusian Prisons, a plastic bag is a common item used when someone wants to give something, such as food or clothes.The bag is labeled with your name. When you leave prison, you typically have a bag containing your belongings, often the same one that was given to you with your name on it.
Salt is an essential element found in nature, used in food and various weapons. It is also associated with Belaruskali,the renowned company that mines potassium salt. During the protests in Belarus, there were significant strikes by miners at this company. Unfortunately, these miners faced subsequent repression and many are now imprisoned.
The work from group exhibition “VERSSchmuggel Belarus Deutschland”. Gallery Intershop. Leipzig, Germany.
Curators: Louise Walleneit, Künstlerin und Künstlerische Leitung FZHK e.V.
Photos by Tom Dachs